How to Fix the WordPress Updates

In this tutorial, I will help you update WordPress website directly without using ftp account. If you are not able to update/upgrade your WordPress and plugins to a newer version without providing your FTP connection information. This is a common issue whereby the WordPress system can’t write to your /wp-content folder directly.


In this tutorial, I will help you update WordPress website directly without using ftp account. If you are not able to update/upgrade your WordPress and plugins to a newer version without providing your FTP connection information. This is a common issue whereby the WordPress system can’t write to your /wp-content folder directly.

In some cases, The FTP issue normally happens when you are on shared hosting and when WordPress is having a conflict with permissions and ownerships.

If for some reason you do not want to rely on the automatic check for which filesystem method to use, you can define a constant, 'FS_METHOD' in your wp-config.php file. Open wordpress-site/wp-config.php add


It will allow you to use the 'direct' method of installing wordpress plugins, wordpress themes, or wordpress updates.

Detail documentation about WordPress Update and Permission:

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